Our Team

We consider our team as one of the strongest pillars of our company. Our talented and experienced professionals work in tandem to fulfill the varied organizational goals. We have employed engineers, well trained technicians, quality controllers and sales & marketing personnel. They are committed to assigned task and work with full determination to meet the specific requirements of customers. Our professionals are well-versed with the latest developments of the market and accordingly design these products to satisfy clients in the best possible manner. Moreover, we conduct regular training and seminars for our professionals to keep them abreast with the latest market development.

Mr. P.D.Kundlik Director director@kundlikautomation.com
Mrs. Anita Kundlik    
Mr. Shubham Kundlik Sales & Marketing sales@kundlikautomation.com
Mr. Anil Shinde Manager-Production production@kundlikautomation.com
Mr. Jyotiram Tundare Manager-Quality quality@kundlikautomation.com
Mr. Suresh Pimpurne A.M.Production-GDC gdc@kundlikautomation.com
Mr. Dhanraj Patil A.M.Production production@kundlikautomation.com
Mr. Santosh Sawant Stores Officer stores@kundlikautomation.com
Mr.Shashikant Dhawale Human Resource hr@kundlikautomation.com
Mr.P.D.Kundlik Director enquiry@kundlikautomation.com