Our Products
- - Ayurvedic Proprietory Medicines
- + Ayurvedic Shastrokta Medicine
+ Urjatone
+ Livonect
+ F-Compound
+ Dilodin
+ Somal
+ Daibitex Powder
+ Glotone
+ Flytone
+ Babytone
+ Calculus Tablets
+ Gaswin Tablets
+ Abocolica Tablets
+ Laxato - 10 Tablets
+ Loriya Tablets
+ Avikamantacid Tablets
+ Neuseanil Tablets
+ Shobha Shubhradanti
+ Gasnol
+ Chyavanprash Special
+ Himpro Tablets
+ Urtica
+ Muscle Tone Oil
+ Mohabe Mahabhringraj Tail
+ Wormonect Tablets
+ Kanchnar Tablets
+ Godanti Tablets
+ Arthrumet Tablets
+ Tempril Tablets & Syrup
+ Swasari Tablets & Syrup
+ Purjosh Tablets (250 mg)
+ Remede-Piles-40(250mg)
+ Memorin
+ Dermaleprox(250mg)
+ Hartinect(250mg)
+ Abbu Drops
+ Sprulex(250mg)
+ Amenoral Tablets(250mg)
+ Slimo-60 Tablets(250mg)
Contact Us
Mohabe Herbal Products Pvt.ltd.
Contact Person :
Dr. C.S. Mohabe
Address :76-A Industrial Area
Mandideep (M.P.) - 462 046
Telephone :
Mr. Vishal : 90745-10340
Dr.P.S.Mohabe : 9827092884
Email: mohabeherbalp@yahoo.com
Regd. Office :E-2/333, Area Colony,
Bhopal (M.P.)- 462 016
Website :http://www.indiamarkets.com/imo
The Aphrodisiac To Gear You Up For More
• Doctor, We offer "URJATONE" syp.
• Doctor, "URJATONE" is useful for loss pf appetite, loss of memory,    sexual weakness, Exhaustion neurotic depression, Frigidity in women     and to gear up nervous system and builds up stamina and resistance.
• Doctor, Its dosage is 1 tsf. with equal water twice daily.
• Doctor, please prescribe Day & Night "URJATONE"
Urjatone Syrup Conatins:
Kewach Bij, Mulethi, Ashwagandha, Shatawar, Illaichi, Gudh, Javitri, Bidhari - Kandh.
Packing: 200ml. Bottle
Tablets & Syrup 250 mg.
• Doctor, "LIVONECT" is useful for Hepatitis, Jaundice, Loss of appetite,    Poor digestion, Maulfunctioning of liver, Alcoholic and Antibiotic liver     damage, To tone up muscle and general liver restorive.
• Doctor, Its dosage is 1 tsf with equal water 2 times daily preferably after     each meal and ! tablet thrice daily with warm water.
• So Doctor, Do not forget, please prescribe every day "LIVONECT".
Active Ingredients:
Loh, Purnarnava, Mandur, Kashish, Shankh, Vidang, Shri Khandasava, Kumariasava, Amritarista.
Packing: 100 & 200 Ml Bottle & 50, 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
The Herbal Answers For All Gynaecological Disorders
• Doctor, "F-Coumpound" is useful for Leucorrhoe, Metrorrhagia,     Dysmenorrhoea and all types of filthy vaginal discharges, Menstural      disorders, Miscarriage.
• Doctor, "F-Compound" power, packed Utarine and post - pregnancy      tonic.
• The dosage of "F-compound" is 1 tsf. with equal water 2 times daily      preferably after each meal & 1 tablet thrice daily.
• Please consider your patronage every time "F-compound" syp. & Tablet.
F-Compound Contains:Ashok, Patrang, Lodh, Loh, Punarnava, Jeera, Arjun, Vidang.
Packing: 100 & 200 Ml Bottle & 50, 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Keeps The Rhythmic Organ In Rythum With Herbo Granules
• Doctor, Keeps the rhythmic organ in rythum with herbo granules
• Doctor, "DILODIN" is Tea like drinking tonic for Heart Ailments.
• Doctor, "DILODIN" is useful in case of increasing heart beats due to     gases, pain near heart, suddenly sweating, improper blood circulation,   drying seliva, irregular sleep, blood prssure, uneasiness and other     ailments "DILODIN" gives immediate relief.
• For complete relief use "DILODIN" regularly like tea.
• Doctor, Please save life and prescribe "Dilodin" every hour.
Dilodin Conatins:Arjun Chhal, Mulethi, Bala, Choti Illaichi, Sharkara.
Packing: 100 gms. Pack.
Dosage: Its dosage is 1/2 tsf. of granules to be boiled with half cup of milk and one cup of water till one third evaporates remaining one cup should be filtered and drink slowly. Do not add sugar.
For Working Ladies
• "SOMAL" specially formulated tonic for all working class ladies.
• Doctor, "SOMAL" is Tea like drinking tonic for ladies.
• Doctor, "SOMAL" specially formulated to compensate the deficiencies     which develop in women. Regular use of this toni reduces Back Ache,    Headache, Body ache, weakness, irregularity in mensturation and     white discharge (Leucorrhoea).
• Doctor, Its 1/2 tsf. of granules in half cup of milk and one cup of water    should be voiled till one third. The remaining one cup should be filtered    and taken slowly.
• Doctor, sincerly request for your valuable prescription to your next    patient.
Somal Contains: Mulethi, Ashok Chaal, Sharkara, Bala, Majeeth, Choti Illaichi, Atisa.
Packing: 100 gms. Pack.
Daibitex Powder
For Sugar Problem
• Doctor, regular use of Daibitex powder reduces frequency of urination    and thristyness growing weakness, mental and physical fatigue, body    ache, weak eye-sight and all other such symptoms are reduced.
• Doctor, Its dosage is Half teaspoonful of Daibitex powder with water in    the morning and in the night before going to bed.
• Doctor, Please prescribe again & again every time Daibitex powder.
Daibitex Contains: Gurhamar, Jamun Guthali, Tejpat, Belpatra, Neem Panchang, Karela, Karonj Bij.
Packing: 100 gms. Pack.
Dependable Answer To Depression
• Glotone is health care tonic as it tones up all the system and organs of    the body.
• Glotone controls backache, headache, Leucorrhoea, Menstural     disorders, Miscarriage and all types of filthy vaginal discharges.
• Glotone for better appitite.
• Glotone relieves fatique, liberate the individual from social isolation.
• Glotone only anxiolytic with antipressant activity.
• Glotone improves tolerance power, physically as well as mentally,     lesser impairment of congnitive function.
• Glotone treat anorexia, malnutrition and controls fat deposition.
Glotone Contains:Ractchandan, Sweet Chandan, Ashok Chal, Multhi, Jeera, Dhai Ke phool, Gudh.
Packing: 200 ml. Bottle Pack.
Fitness Of Body And Mind Rely On
• Flytone is health care tonic as it tones up all the system and organs of    the body.
• To feel physically fit and face the life's stresses calmly use Flytone.
• Additionally Flytone provides vitamins and minerals in the natural form    for vigour and vitality.
• Flytone protect from common infections and prevents repeated urinary    infection.
• Channelizes mental energy in purposeful activities, improves     confidence and prevents under anxiety on depression.
• Flytone is effective in growth of appetite, tone up muscles, increases    strength of heart & liver and increases stamina
Flytone Contains:Kewach Bij, Khus, Mulethi, Shatawari, Bidarikand, Dhai Ke Phool, Gudh
Packing: 200 ml. Bottle Pack.
For Healthy Baby, Cheerful Life
• Babytone keeps the liver function to its optimum, with obvious health     benefits.
• Babytone protect against all kinds of toxins that come from food, water     or air.
• Babytone builds up the body's own defence mechanism through    improved phagocytosis so protects children against day - to - day     infections.
•   Babytone is potent and helmentic and strength on the bones.
• Babytone activates the mind and improves mental alertness     concentration & memory.
• Doctor, please prescribe baytone to make weak child to sturdy child and     sturdy child to healthy chil. Just 1 tsf. with each water two times daily.
Babytone Contains:Kamal Ke Phool, Munkka, Bach, Mulethi, Gudh, Jatamansi
Packing: 100 ml. Bottle Pack.
Calculus Tablets
The Effective Formula For Calculi (Urinary Stones)
• Useful in Renak Colic, Phosphaturia, Calculi and Urinary Infection, etc.
Dosage:1 to 2 tablets thrice daily with warm water.
Packing: 50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Gaswin Tablets
For Gastric Problem
• Useful in Gastric Trouble, Indigestion, Constipation, Stomach Pain, etc.
Packing: 250 mg. Tablets Pack.
Abocolica Tablets
For Abodominal Problem
• Useful in Abodominal & Colic Pains, Used as Appetiser, Antiflatualant,
Packing: 250 mg. Tablets Pack.
Laxato - 10 Tablets
For Constipation
• Useful for Constipation, Piles & Mild purhative,
Dosage: 1 - 2 tablets thrice daily.
Packing: 50 , 500 and 1000 Tablets Pack.
Loriya Tablets
For Insomina
• Useful for Insomina, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Hypertension, Anxiety.
Dosage: 1 - 2 tablets thrice daily with water.
Packing: 50 , 500 and 1000 Tablets Pack.
Avikamantacid Tablets
A Unique Formula For Acidity
• Useful for Amlapitta, (Acidity) Heartburning, Ulcer, Dyspepsia, Gastritis,    Excessive salviation.
Packing: 250 mg. Tablets Pack.
Neuseanil Tablets
For Vomiting
• Useful in Vomiting, Hiccups, Nausea.
Dosage: 1-2 tablet thrice daily with warm water.
Packing: 50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Shobha Shubhradanti
For ToothProblems
• Useful in Tooth - achs, shaky teeth, Pyorrhoea, Bleading and inflamatory    gums, soft & soongy gums, whitens, teeth like peral
Ingredients: It contains sendhanamak, phitkari, safed chandan, madhuyasthi, haritki, vibhitki, aawala, ilaichi, laung, nagkeshar, kapoor, gairikai
Packing: 50 & 150gm. Bottle Pack.
Tasty Pachak Churna & Tablets
• Used for gases, indigestion, constipation, stomach pain.
Ingredients: Sendhanamak, Nimbusat, Kalanamk, Jeera, Kalimirch, SOnth, Pipal, Sharkara, Dhaniya, Anardana, Sonph.
Packing: 50 gms. churna & 100 Tablets Pack.
Chyavanprash Special
For Growing Children
• Specially good for growing children. Improves body resistance and    counters old age debility. Excellent health tonic for the family.
Ingredients: Chyavenprash with Astavarga Loh & Vang Bhasma.
Packing: 250 gm, 500 gm. & 1 kg. plastic container.
Himpro Tablets
For Bleading Piles
• Useful in Raktpitta, bleading Piles, Mutrakruchha, Raktpradar,      Raktastrava.
Ingredients: Kajali, Giloisat, Hirathokhi, Kutaki, Pipal, Chandan, Anantmul.
Dosage: One Tablet Thrice daily
Packing: 210 & 500 Tablets Pack.
For Allergy
• Useful in Urticaria, Allergy, Pruritis.
Ingredients:Hardrakhand, Shitpittabhanjan Ras, Gandhak Rasayan
Dosage: 1 - 2 Tablets Thrice daily
Packing: 50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Muscle Tone Oil
For Muscle Pains
• Enliven the skin, clears complexion and removes ugly curves in the body   and also removes arthritis and rehumatic & joint pains.
• This oil is equally useful for men and women. For men removes     Nervous laxity and weakness of penis. He feels a new sexual energy.
• For women it increases the size of breast muscles. Its regular use    reduce wrinkle of breast.
Packing: 50 ml. of Bottle Pack.
Mohabe Mahabhringraj Tail
To Stop Whiteness Of Hair
• Useful to Stop Earlier Whiteness of Hair, Headache, Long and Healthy    Hair.
Ingredients:A.F.I. 8 : 62
Packing: 110 ml. of Bottle Pack.
Wormonect Tablets
For Roundworm
• Useful in Roundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm, Threadworm,      Tapeworm, Pinworm. ALso useful in Krimi Rog.
Ingredients:Krimikantak Ras, Ajwain, Dikamali Vidaing, SHankh, Kapardik.
Dosage:One tablet twice daily for 3 consecutive days for children & one tablet thrice daily for 2 consecutive days for adult.
Packing: 6,500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Kanchnar Tablets
For Goiter
• Useful in Goiter, Scrofula, Lymphatic glands.
Ingredients:Kanchnar Chhal, Guggul Gandhak Rasayan.
Dosage:1 to 2 tablets thrice daily.
Packing:50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Godanti Tablets
The Antinflammatory Analgestic Of Virtue
• Migraine, Headache, Dymenorrhoea, Arthralgia, Myalgia, Arthritis,    Theumatoid Arthritis, Strains, Sprians, Backache, Neuralgia, DEntal and     Post - Operative Pains, Peripheral Pains.
Ingredients:Godanti Bhasm, Spatika, Kapardik Bhassm, Trikatu, Tripala.
Dosage:1 tablet thrice daily with warm water.
Packing:50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Arthrumet Tablets
For Arthritis and Other Pains
• For arthritis and other pains.
Ingredients:Yograj, Guggulu, Simhanada, Guggulu, Mushvisthi.
Dosage:1 tablet thrice daily.
Packing:50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Tempril Tablets & Syrup
For Fewer
• For fever of all origins, cough and cold.
Ingredients:Sudershan churn, Sharkara, Fitkhari, Vishmusthi , Vatsanabh.
Dosage:1 tablet or 1 tsp. thrice daily.
Packing:50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets & 50 ml. Bottle Pack.
Swasari Tablets & Syrup
For Bronchial Asthema
• For Bronchial Asthema, Whooping cough, etc.
Ingredients:Gauripashan, Shring, Godanti ,Tankan , Sajji
Dosage:1 tablet 2 -3 times daily or 1 tsp. with equal water 2 to 3 times daily.
Packing:50 , 500 & 1000 Tablets & Also available in 50 , 100 & 200 ml. Bottle Pack.
The Effective And Safe Cough Formula
• For Cough, Tonsilitis, Throat Infections, Bronchitis, Laryngits, Allergy, Respiratory Troubles
Ingredients:Kanak, Adusa, Babul, Draksha, Pipli, Madar Pushpa
Packing: 50ml,100ml & 200ml. Bottle Pack and 50,500&1000 Tablets pack.
Purjosh Tablets (250 mg)
For Lust And Passion-Forget Depression
• For General derbility, Sexual Weakness, Depression, Fatigue,Loss of Appetite, Builds Up Stamina and
Ingredients:Ashwagandha, Mishri, Kapikachccu, Yasthi Madhu,Gokshru,Ilachi.
Packing:40, 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack
The Surgical Option Is Eliminated
• For Effective Remedy for piles,Stop Bleeding,Heals and helps to Shrink Prolapsed Piles and Relieves Itching.
Ingredients:Pranada Gutika, Suran Vati, Samangadi Churn, Sphatiks Aristha.
Packing:40, 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack &15gm , 500gms &1kg ointment pack.
Ensures you're at no loss with memory in the battle of nerves
1.Loss of memory       2.Nerve diseases.       3.Convulsions.       4.Hysteria
Ingredients: Ashwagandha, Sarpagandha,Shankh Pushpi,Malkangni.
Packing:100 & 200ml. Bottle pack.
A Unique Megadimensional Formula for Infective Skin Conditions.
Dermatitis, Scabies, Psoriasis, Leprosy, Ultricaria, Eczema,
Sepsis, allergic Rashes, Acne, Fungal Infections,
Patches and Impurity of blood.
Ingredients: Bakuchi Churn, Gandhak RAsayan, Ninibadi
Packing:100 & 200ml. Bottle pack. 50,500 &
1000 Tablets Pack. 15gms Ointment pack.
Keeps the Rhythmic Organ in Rhythum
High and low Blood-pressure, Cardiac Oedema, Angina Pectoris,
Mutral disease and as a Cardio-tonic.
Ingredients: Arjun, Draksha, Punarnava, Vaividang, Chandan, Nagkeshar,Rasna.
Packing:100 & 200ml. Bottle and 50, 500 & 1000 Tablets Pack.
Abbu Drops
Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine
Tones the children, Makes Healthy, Growing & Bloomy like Lotus, use for Rickets, Teething troubles, Worms.
Eruptions, etc. For making a child from weak to sturdy & sturdy to heallthy.
Ingredients:Kamal, Loh Guduchi, Bach Vidang, Punarnava
Packing:50ml. Bottle Pack
The Most Comprehensive Bowel Regulator
Chronic and Acute Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Protozoal Infections, Sprue Mucous, Spurious Diarrhoea, Irritable
Bowel Syndrodme
Ingredients:Gukar, Kutaj,Pipli Babul, Chandan,Jira.
Packing:100ml & 200ml Bottle Pack and 50,500 & 1000 tablets pack.
Amenoral Tablets(250mg)
From Menses To Menopaus. The Permutation 2 Clause
Amenoral:- Amends Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,
menstrual and menopausal irregularities.
Amenoral:- Dosage in perfect Amenity of 2*2*2.
Amenoral:- Amenable regimen as compared
to hormonal therapy.
1. Non homonal emmenagogue.
2. Antibacterial.
3. Relieves endometrial spasm.
4. Soohing effect on endometrial well.
Slimo-60 Tablets(250mg)
For Overpower Obesity With Slimo
1.Decreases Blood Cholesterol.         2. Metabolizes Deposited Fat.       3. Normalizes Blood Pressure.      4. Reduces Excess weight.      5. Hastens Cholesterosis.      6. Improves Digestion      7. Cardiotonic.
Ingredients:Vyosadi Gugglu contains: 10 herbs. A.F.I.: 5:9
Guggulu(Commiphora mukul) Increases white blood cell count and reducs fat & toxins- Frawley D,Lad V.,"The Yoga of Herbs", 1994,173.
Guduchi(Tinospora Cordifolia)- Cardiotonic and develops phagocytosis system.
Arogyavardhini Indrajawa- Normaluze GIT, induce Diuresis
Shilajeet- counters associated weakness.
Packing:Slimo-60 tablets-in a 60 tablets pack.
Dosage:2 tablets a day in the morning.