The company undertakes stringent quality control measures ensuring supreme quality dyes .
The company started solving typical problems in processing of metal, specially related to chemicals.
Ours is a partnership firm that works under the profound guidance of our mentors Mr P.C. Bhandari.
Deluxe Metal Processing Chemicals (P) Ltd., aimed at giving technical support and flawless products to the metal processing industry. The company started solving typical problems in processing of metal, specially related to chemicals.
Established in 1982 ,we started production of metal processing chemicals in 1985 onwards.Main object was to do research in field of chemicals which are used in processing of metals.Apart from mfg. standard products in the field of heat-treatment of steels,rust-prevention,phosphating of steels,machining fluids,we took several projects to solve problems faced by Engg Industry and succeeded in our efforts.Read More...