Herbal Extraction Plant
All the plants / herbs have very complex structure. Most of the active ingredients present in the form of natural organic compounds.
The process of extraction for a particular compound or multiple compounds are dependent on the solubility of the rich components in an extraction media such as aqua (water) or organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvents by using the principle of physical separation and the property of solubility of those compounds in that particular extraction media.
The process and the plant design of extraction system is invariably different from product to product and component to component. Its very difficult to generalize a process to extract isolated compounds from various herbs. From raw material to isolated compound, a series of processes will be involved. In the first step of process, the rich compound(s) can be extracted in a generalized manner with an extraction media. The second stage is followed by purification and isolation by various physical / chemical processes.
From a generalized extraction process, the rich herbal extracts can be used directly in herbal formulations for herbal, pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetic industries. Some of the herbal extracts can be used as natural dyes for textile, leather, food and cosmetic applications as coloring matters.
Process Technologies Available for:
A. Catagorize Herbal extraction projects
For Herbal formulations / Food Industry:
- Instant Coffee
- Instant Tea
- Phyto Chemical Separation Systems for Steviosides, Tannins, etc.
- Protein Hydrolysates for Baby Food Formulations
B. General Herbal Extraction projects
- Natural dyes for textile dyeing industries.
- Tanin extracts for tanneries / leather industries.
- Katha extracts.
C. Organic Solvent Based Extraction Projects
- Formulation industries.
- Oleo Resins.
- Vegetable gums.
- Natural food coloring matters etc.
Herbal Extraction Process