Research & Development
SSP has a state of the art In-House R&D Centre, recognized by DSIR, (Department of Science Technology & Industrial Research ) Govt. of India. It is fully equipped with sophisticated testing equipments & highly motivated, professionally qualified and experienced team of professionals and Researchers.
The R & D centre works towards developing new technologies, qualitative improvements & achieving import substitution. It is complete with a design department, laboratory, pilot plants, technical library, data bank and documentation centre.
Such an elaborate R&D setup is extremely uncommon in the industry, which highlights SSP’s commitment to provide innovative technologies. As a result SSP has developed many innovative processes.
Our latest R &D Endeavour includes:
- Evaporator without condenser
- Vacuum band dryer
- Freeze dryer
- Aroma recovery technique for coffee
- Agglomeration plant for coffee.
- High Pressure Extraction System for spent coffee grains

We can conclude by saying our R & D centre is the best ground for experimentation, introspection, innovation, and invention.