Technical Features

  • Micro Processor Based IGBT Technology
  • Smart charging enhances the battery life Modular Design
  • Greater than 90% efficiency helps conserve energy


Salient Features

  • Maximum Efficiency
  • No waveform distortion & phase shift
  • No effect on frequency
  • Extremely fast rate of correction
  • Industrial Grade

Constant Voltage Transformer (CVT)

These CVTs are manufactured by implementing Ferrow Resonant Technology. Unlike ordinary transformers where primary and secondary windings are wounded closely, the constant voltage transformers have windings that are wounded separately. These voltage transformers are ideal for computer applications.

The CVTs are preferred over voltage stabilizers as the stabilizers have relays that are when switched cause the output voltage to be interrupted for a short time. This type of interruption or transient many not be good for computers. In comparison to voltage stabilizers, the CVTs ensure a clean, spike-free and controlled output voltage.

