Energy Management

Techsuppen has the ability to provide energy management. Energy management is the means to controlling and reducing a building's energy consumption, which enables

  • Reduce costs – energy represents 25% of all operating costs in an office building.
  • Reduce carbon emissions in order to meet internal sustainabiity goals and regulatory requirements.
  • Reduce risk – the more energy you consume, the greater the risk that energy price increases or supply shortages could seriously affect your profitability. With energy management through a building monitoring system, you can reduce this risk by reducing your demand for energy and by controlling it so as to make it more predictable.

Energy audits on their own don’t lead to anything – there needs to be top level commitment & energy audits are just a tool to use when you are committed to addressing energy efficiency. Energy audits need to feed into better business cases that identify, value and risk appraise all sources of value, i.e. all the energy and non-energy benefits.