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We are leading this sector since 2000.

Health & Safety Policy

We at Yantrik Engineers are committed to provide safe and healthy work place to our employees, contractors and visitors. Our aim is to achieve an injury and illness free work place. We shall meet and exceed compliance of applicable statutory Safety, Health and Environment requirements.

To meet our commitment, we shall :

  • Provide safety organizational set up by assigning the responsibility at different levels and make our Health and Safety Policy effective.
  • Involve our employees in accident investigation, safety inspection and safety training.
  • Consider Safety & Health performance of an individual in his career advancement.
  • Fix responsibility of contractors and other agencies entering our premises.
  • Use techniques like Safety Audit, Risk assessment and periodic review of our Safety, Health and Environment Performance.
  • Make Safety and Health as integral part of our business processes.
  • We shall provide arrangements for information, education, training and retraining to employees at different levels and the public whenever required.
  • Set Safety and Health metrics as indicators to continually improve our performance.
  • We shall make copies of our Health and Safety Policy for our employees and business partners.

We aspire to become leaders in safety and health performance in our business sectors by engaging our employees.