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We are leading this sector since 2000.

Yantrik Engineers

delivers safe and reliable high Quality
fabricated goods & services and facilities.

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Our customers

are delighted by inventing, designing, engineering
and manufacturing with innovative cutting-edge technology products and facilities.

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Yantrik Group

can compete technically and commercially
around the Global marketplace.

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Our specialties

Heat Exchanger

Pressure vessel & Reactors

IBR & Non IBR Piping

Timely service with the best quality results.

About our company

Yantrik Group was formed in the Year of 2000 with deep and established core values of integrity, trust, transparency and commitment and has shown considerable growth and capabilities with distinct style of professional services in manufacturing & designing. We serve our skilled manpower for Heavy fabrication for steel, cement, pharmaceutical, chemical, food, power and oil & gas sector.

We M/S Yantrik Group are committed to meet Customer requirements by enhancing Quality through continual improvement of its Quality Management Systems.

Yantrik Group shall sustain organizational excellence through visionary Leadership and innovative efforts for Quality.

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Our INdustries We Serve

We don’t compromise with quality. Best services are guaranteed for you.


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Sugar Mills

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Cement Industries

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Steel Industries

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Pharma Industries

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We take care of all our customers.
See what our customers say about us.

“Overall, we have a good partnership with Yantrik Engineers. We meet with them regularly to review their product releases and provide input to their solutions. They have built many of our recommendations into their core product.”


“Great products coupled with fast service. Good choice on competitive pricing. Recommended.”


“Excellent at all levels. Great partnership. The vendor regularly allows proof of concept sessions, free of charge. Excellent ability to get resources for projects. Started Yantrik Engineers, which will help out a lot. Overall great..”


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