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Adjustable Height Clamp
Rapid clamping with Downward thrust.
-Quick Clamping with down thrust by means of precision threaded spindle and eccentric lever.
-360 degree swing of clamping pad as well as any position of toggle arm is possible; hence job can be removed and placed instantly.
-Compact construction.Increase clamping height by using extra height cylinders. Used as standardized fast clamping elements in fixtures, pallets of CNC milling.
Up Thrust Clamp
Rigid clamping with up ward thrust.
-Specially designed for clamping work pieces which have already machined on one side and have to be further machined with machined side as reference.
-Quick upward clamping from bottom by means of a precision threaded spindle and eccentric lever. Parrallelism and other accuracies are positively achieved by maintaining all dimensions within precise tolerances.
-Easy and rapid clamping & declamping is achieved by swinging clamping arm.
Low Height Clamp
For Efficient production of medium to small parts.
-Low profile of the clamp permits machining of the job over area without moving the clamp.
-Rapid clamping and release by swift action of the lever.
-Firm clamping of the job by the downward and forward actions of the jaw.
Spring Plunger
With rounded plunger pin and internal hexagon.Spring Plunger
With ball and internal hexagon
Blackodised steel body, hardened ball, stainless steel spring.
Quick Acting Element
Instant clamping elements to build your own Jigs & fixturesFixture Eye Bolt