Eco Logistics

At Eco-Logistics our primary concern is to safeguard the environment. We hope to give a cleaner and greener tomorrow for the generations to come. Generally Industrial hazardous waste is dumped without proper handling and disposal. This may contaminate the water table and hence the drinking water. Also, the soil may get foul, killing plant and animal life. Improper disposal sites may emit toxic gases from such dumps which may pollute the air that we inhale.

Eco-Logistics has consent from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) as an authorized corporation for reception, collection, transportation and incineration of industrial hazardous waste. We take care of any kind of industrial hazardous waste, solid or liquid. This hazardous waste is disposed off in an environmentally friendly manner with negligible impact on the ecosystem.

The industrial hazardous waste is incinerated; a waste treatment technology that involves the combustion of waste at high temperatures. Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into heat (that can be used to generate electricity), gases and particulates of combustion, and a smaller amount of solid residue (ash). The ashes (carbon) thus generated from such incineration activity is used to manufacture fire proof bricks or is alternatively sent for landfills.

A fleet of trucks, tempos and tankers caters to this activity. Eco-Logistics has a nation wide reception, collection and transportation permit. A logistics team continuously analyses issues like traffic, environmental damage, safety, fuel efficiency and affordability.

  EL History

In order to aid Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in its fight to protect the environment the Rao A. Group of Companies established the Eco friend Industries which started in year 2001. Now Eco-friend Industries has transferred its complete hazardous waste disposal business to Eco-Logistics. Eco friend Industries entered the market in a syndicate with a couple of Multinational Companies (MNC). One such multinational is Bayer, India.

The excess incineration capacity of such multinationals and the consent of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) for Eco friend Industries as an authorized corporation for reception, collection, transportation and incineration of industrial hazardous waste enabled this innovative pact.

Eco Logistics was established as a support company for Eco friend Industries in the year 2005. It has serviced business in and around the state of Maharashtra. With a nation wide transport permit M/s Eco Logistics can provide services all over India.

Currently Eco-Logistics is in a contract with Mumbai Waste Management where the incineration activity is carried out at Common Hazardous Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (CHWTSDF).

  EL Future

  Environmental Defense is fighting to protect human health, restore our ecosystem and curb global warming.
  We will procure our own incineration facility in the years to come.
  Plans to venture into disposal of biomedical hazardous waste and ā€˜eā€™ hazardous waste are on their way.
  Grab a larger market share by making our services available for more states.
  We hope to reduce greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and enter the market of carbon trading.
  Eco Logistics hopes to enter logistics in a full fledged manner, not only of hazardous waste but also commodity logistics.