Packed Columns

Falling film

The liquid to be concentrated is supplied to the top of the heating tubes and distributed in such a way as to flow down the inside of the tube walls as a thin film. The liquid film starts to boil due to the external heating of the heating tubes and is partially evaporated as a result. The downward flow, caused initially by gravity, is enhanced by the parallel, downward flow of the vapor formed.

Residual film liquid and vapor is separated in the lower part of the calandria and in the downstream centrifugal droplet separator. It is essential that the entire film heating surface, especially in the lower regions, be evenly and sufficiently wetted with liquid. Where this is not the case, dry spots will result that will lead to incrustation and the build-up of deposits.

For complete wetting it is important that a suitable distribution system is selected for the head of the falling film evaporator. Wetting rates are increased by using longer heating tubes, dividing the falling film evaporator into several compartments or by recirculating the product.

Particular features:
  • Best product quality – due to gentle evaporation, mostly under vacuum, and extremely short residence times in the falling film evaporator.
  • High energy efficiency – due to multiple-effect arrangement or heating by thermal or mechanical vapor recompressor, based upon the lowest theoretical temperature difference.
  • Simple process control and automation – due to their small liquid content falling film evaporators react quickly to changes in energy supply, vacuum, feed quantities, concentrations, etc. This is an important prerequisite for a uniform final concentrate.

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