Perforated Baffle Plates

After the inlet device, the liquid passes through distribution baffles which may be single or a matched pair of transverse perforated baffle plates in the liquid zone. Their primary function is to provided a barrier and distribute the liquid evenly from the turbulent inlet zone to the calm separation zone.

Single Perforated baffle (Standard Design)

This is a perforated baffle with typically 25-30 % open area extending from the base of the vessel to the high liquid level (HLL) or high high liquid level (HHLL). It is used in standard separator applications.

Dual Perforated Baffle (Enhanced Design)

This is a pair of perforated baffles with typically 15-30 % open area extending from the base of the vessel to the high high liquid level ( HHLL ). It is used in more difficult separator applications or where the liquid velocity is excessive.