Column Internals

In any column system, packings can give an optimum performance only when complemented with appropriately designed tower distributors, collectors, supports and other column internals for optimum liquid – vapour distribution to the packed beds. Many years of experience in design and construction of high performance column internals, enables us to offer you the best combination of column internals for your application.

Liquid Distributors
  •   High turndown rates
  •   Liquid loads of 0.02 m3/ m2h to greater than 300 m3 / m2h
  •   Distributors for suspensions, fouling or contaminated liquids

Liquid Collectors
  •   Total or partial draw off
  •   Optimised design of collecting troughs for reduced pressure head in the collecting section
  •   Liquid collection and mixing

Support Plates
  •   For physically retaining and supporting packed beds
  •   Reduces potential for packing displacement during upset conditions
  •   Easy installation and removal

Mist Eliminators
  •   High efficiency with low pressure drop
  •   Easy installation
  •   Reduces product loss and operating costs

Auxiliary Column Internals
  •   Internals complementing collector distributor systems to ensure flawless column performance
  •   Chimney tray
  •   Flash box
  •   Feed devices