Feed Batch Fermentation Plant

To help the fermentation sustain the assailable nitrogen are added in the medium in the form of Urea and DAP as required. Temperature in the bio reactors is maintained to an optimum level as required for efficient reaction with the help of Plate Heat Exchanger and recirculation pumping system. This recirculation also helps improper mixing of fermented wash. The retention time for the reaction is about 24 to 36 hours. Air blower is provided to supply the necessary oxygen required for the yeast and also for agitation. After completion of reaction the fermented wash is delivered to Wash Settling clarifies. In Wash Settling clarifies, settable solids settle down. The supernatant goes to Buffer Wash Tank (BWT) and sludge from bottom goes to Sludge Tank.

The CO2, which is liberated, is scrubbed in water, with the help of CO2 Scrubber. This CO2 contains ethanol,which is recovered by collecting CO2 Scrubber water into Sludge Trough. The diluted sludge is pumped into Sludge Settling clarifies. The traces of ethanol present in diluted sludge are separated at the supernatant, which is collected into BWT through overflow and washed sludge from bottom is drained off.

The fermented mash collected in the Clarified Wash Tank is then pumped to Mash or Primary column for distillation.