Jaggery Powder

# Jaggery Powder

We are instrumental in providing the customers with a commendable range of Jaggery Powder. The offered range is ideally used for adding sweetness and flavor to the varied dishes. 100% natural in taste, the range is extracted fresh from sugarcanes and is considered a rich source of iron and other mineral salts. Owing to this, the range is appreciated for its attributes such as high nutritive value, freshness and purity. Also, the range is used in the treatment of various lung and throat infections.

# Sweet Jaggery

Backed by dexterous professionals, we have been able to provide the customers with a comprehensive assortment of sweet jaggery. The jaggery offered by us is widely appreciated by the clients for its excellent taste and guaranteed purity. Our product is extracted from fresh sugar canes and are processed under advanced machinery that ensure a chemical free and pure output. The range is also tested on various parameters to ensure their purity, sweetness and good shelf life.