Weighing Systems
Weigh feeders
Sturdy & Heavy Mechanical Designs for higher efficiency
Developed and built for extremely high accuracy and reliability, Weigh feeders are designed to suit specific material flow characteristics, fabricated in mild steel with crowned machine and running in self aligning anti-friction bearing. External Belt scraper is mounted on the discharge side and Internal Belt is mounted near the tail reduces sticking of material.

Check weigher
Constant Weighing of Material
Belt weigher is a part of the conveyor belt. Weigher system consists of a conveyor belt whose load is constantly weighed with a measuring device. The volume flow is calculated from the product offload (Load-cell value) and belt speed (Tacho frequency or fixed frequency).

Operation Philosophy:- Loss-in-Weigh Feeders are based on continuous weight loss measurement with respect to time principle. Weigh hopper with a screw feeder is installed on three load cells of suitable capacity, which in turn connected to Load transmitter to convert it into the 4-20mA output for Weigh feeder controller. In a second 30-40 elements are done for bulk material in the weigh hopper and loss of weight with respect time (i.e. feed rate) is calculated. It generates output for controlling the speed of the screw feeder to get desired TPH. The hopper is slowly emptied (normally 3 to 30 minutes between refills) at a constant feed rate. While refilling, the last TPH is recorded, speed is kept constant and refilling is done in short intervals. Material during refilling is assumed to be fed at a constant feed rate (i.e. volumetric feeding) and totalizer is updated to get the best accuracy at continuous feeding.
finishing :Powder coated
Components :De-dusting Systems, Vibro Screen & In Built Filtration systems