Standard Features:
- Color LCD monitor touch for data entry and editing
- Operation mode-manual/semi auto/fully auto
- 30 bends program
- Data entry as push,turn,Bend(YBC)values Or XYZ co-ordinates
- Clockwise bending
- Large/Multiple program data storage facility in hard disk
- Bend arm over ride switch to prevent bend arm collision
- Pragrammable variable speeds for each axis
- Multi sequence bend capability for up to 5 parts with common tube dia
- Automatic part counter
- Air blast/shell & tube type heat exchanger for hydraulic oil cooling
- Centralized lubrication system
- Safety interlocks for machine operation
- CNC controller panel cooler
- Emergency stop switch
- YBC to XYZ co-ordinates conversion
- YBC data entry automatically calculates the actual required tube length and enters into part program
- Online/Offline diagnosis mode.
Optional Features:
- 3D View/Simulation display
- Oil chilling unit
- Oil cleaning system
- Bend arm safety mat