• Tata BlueScope Steel is committed towards the conservation of natural resources, preservation of bio-diversity and improvement of our environmental performance. Our products are sustainable, made from high performance steel with lead-free paint system that is 100 % recyclable. Our products are made from COLORBOND® steel, backed by energy efficient THERMATECH™ technology that optimises the thermal performance of the roof, ensuring lesser energy consumption, thus abating the overall carbon footprints.

  • Our Principles for Sustainability

    • Reduce waste material generation, storage or disposal at source
    • Reuse waste material on-site
    • Recycle waste materials offsite

    The commitment towards environment is continuous. We will consistently review our operations and make ourselves accountable for our performance – not only to our stakeholders, but also to our customers and the community at large.

    Environmental consideration in usage of our product and disposal of packing material