End Mills

Solid Carbide Ball Nose Cutter - Multiflute


  • A heat-resistant coating material with excellent adhesion to the tool substrate was achieved by optimizing the Al content.
  • Exhibits high hardness (3000HV) with good wear resistance due to doping of the AlCr coating layer with Si. (TiAlN: 2800HV)
  • Exhibits excellent cutting life for cutting materials such as plastic molds, etc. where tool seizure often occurs.
  • (2x the cutting life compared to conventional products.) Provides the long life in cutting processing of materials starting with
  • HPM-MAGIC and including prehardened steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, SUS, SKD61, SKD11, etc.
  • Note) This product obtains less electric conductivity.
  • Therefore, Please caution of using electric transmitted measuring systems.

Epoch Turbo Rib End Mill

This is a kind of product offering lots of sizes according the need parameters. Beside the size Rib Machining Epoch Turbo Rib End Mill Hitachi Make is giving different desired shapes by the cutting and designing industries. In the manufacture we are using two layers in two different ends. The thin end is cone shape in general. It is basically using in the design and whole making process. Apart from the quality we are giving time dependent delivery and effective packing of our product. They are cost effective and lighter weight in general.

Ultra End Mill

The name of this product is telling about the work variation of this product. The variation is being created by the end part. In the manufacture we are either including steel or cast iron as the raw material. Designed dies are making the variations in our product end. We are trying to include more and more demands by the industrial side. Ultra End Mill Hitachi Make is durable and log lasting.

Z Carb End Mill

We offer highly efficient Z Carb End Mill Hitachi Make in different size range. They are made of ultra hard metallic material. We are procuring these raw materials from well known vendors working with us from a long duration of time. In general our products are applicable in steel, ore hardened steel, alloy steel, casting steel and hole making. Beside that our product is accurate enough to offer a uniform result. This product is offering a diameter range of 3 to 12 mm in general.

Hitachi Drill Double Margin

Hitachi Drill Double Margin Hitachi Make is one of the finest version of drilling devices is basically applicable in the designing industries. In general they work on the metals and metallic devices. Hitachi Drill Double Margin is highly efficient as they are offering double performance level. The size and the shape of the product are defined by the customers. Highly specific dies are making our product more efficient and workable. Beside that our product is offering longer shelf life and durability. They are available in affordable price limit.

Multi Function End Mill

It is a cutting machine is basically applicable in hard tool industries. They are also applicable in automobile and hardware industries. Multi Function End Mill Hitachi Make is generally applicable in the cutting and designing of metallic products. Finest thing of this product is the multi working functions. The size and shape is different for each option and we are representing a long range of products.

Double Insert End Mill

These is a double cornered cutting tool is basically used in the automobile and hard industries. Small diameter is giving them more work flexibility in process industries. Both the ends of Double Insert End Mill are offering some ultimate designs. This product is durable and cost effective. Production department is using latest technologies to make the product more popular.

Epoch Panacea Ball End Mill

This is a product in which we are offering three different shapes. This is an ultra hard product is basically applicable in the furniture designing industries, automobile industries and some other types of automobile industries. Production department is working on two basic things in the manufacture of Epoch Panacea Ball End Mill Hitachi Make highly designated quality parameters and good quality raw materials. The raw materials we are procuring from well known vendors working with us from a very long time. Beside that our product is durable and long lasting.

Single Insert End Mill

Single Insert End Mill is a mechanical product is telling about its working style. It is with a single mill in the end part. The design has made by the incorporation of latest technologies. High quality raw materials are initiating the efficiency of our product. They are durable and rust free products. Apart from that we are giving a cost effective and time dependent delivery of our product.