
Category description

Economy Solutions provide Crossflow Filters with Ceramic, the most advanced in the market. The OMNIA filters can filter a wide range of products, obtaining the best clarity and product yield. Suitable for use in wine, food, chemical, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. These filters use ceramic membranes and can withstand high temperatures, sterilization and cleaning with aggressive chemicals. Fully automated working process, and remote control option through an Android device. Available in various sizes with customizable options to meet specific client needs.


Winemaking Equipment


Sula, KLC, Grovers, Fratelli, Four seasons, Good drop, Pernod ricard

Product description

  • Economy Solutions offers the most advanced Crossflow Filters on the market, featuring ceramic membranes.
  • The OMNIA filters are suitable for a wide range of products, including wine, food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications.
  • These filters are designed to provide the best clarity and product yield, while also being able to withstand high temperatures, sterilization, and cleaning with aggressive chemicals.
  • The working process is fully automated, with no need for the operator to be on hand. This includes filtering cycles, backflow and washing cycles.
  • The user has the option to remotely control the system through an Android device, with the use of an optional remote control module.
  • The filters come in a variety of sizes, with filtering surface areas ranging from 20 to 118 square meters, making it easy to find the right size for your application.
  • Customizable options are available to meet specific client needs.
  • The ceramic membranes used in the filters are known for their durability, efficiency and long-lasting performance.
  • The fully automated process and remote control options make it easy for users to operate and maintain the filters.
  • With its wide range of uses and customizable options, these crossflow filters are perfect for businesses in the wine, food, chemical, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors.


  • Quick and easy to clean and service, excellent structural quality and plentiful integrated technology with the characteristics of the ceramic membranes


  • Quick and easy to clean and service, excellent structural quality and plentiful integrated technology with the characteristics of the ceramic membranes

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