City Gate Station
'Nirmal' offers the City Gate Stations (CGS) for different process parameters. CGS is the skid installed on the main cross country line tap-off and feeds the Natural Gas to the City at desired regulated pressure. Typically, CGS is ANSI 600# skid consisting of Filtration, Metering, Pre-Heating, Pressure Regulation and Flow Control units.This is the first step down for the NG Cross Country Line Pressure from 50 – 90 Barg to 19 – 26 Barg to feed NG to cities.
The Pipeline downstream to CGS is ANSI 300# / ANSI 150# after this pressure let down. City Gate Stations are generally equipped with remote control of pressure and flow parameters with wireless communication. The SCADA controls flow and pressure parameters to facilitate the farthest consumer to receive the gas at desired pressure and flow rate.