Monday - Saturday, 10AM to 6PM
Call us now +91-22-67746200

Our Mission

We strive to be a learning organisation which is Growth-oriented, Knowledge-based, Progressive, Innovation & Profitable, in the field of Process Control Valves, Instruments and Technology serving the needs of customers through high quality and cost-effective products and services with concern for people and safety, by a disciplined and dedicated work force practicing participative style of leadership and management to achieve progress, prosperity and happiness.

Core Values

In our journey of striving for excellence, we ensure that our values are always firmly rooted to establish a strong foundation enhancing a promising future. We are :

  • An organisation having respect for every individual.
  • An organisation where passion and commitment is the driving force.
  • An organisation where trust and freedom empowers all the people associated with us.
  • An organisation encouraging a culture of learning and adaptability.
  • An organisation that excels beyond boundaries through teamwork.
  • An organisation where customer focus is at the core of all activities.