At preliminary Levels most of the sedimentation process requires effective removal of Grit / Sand / Higher size Particulate content typically these are contents with High Specific Gravity like Grit, Sand stones, Scales, < 10mm Debris materials etc. Indofab de-gritting Mechanism go with their name De-Gritting enclosed in a cleverly designed tank inline with the main flow channel such that all the liquid free from Grit/debris flows over the weir while the settled Grit/Debris is collected in side channels (1or 2) and is further effectively discharged at an elevation few mtrs. above the water level in a dry but moist manner. Sole purpose to de-grit High rate settling solids of substantial size >0.15mm ; This also reduces load (unwanted) on the down side equipments


  • The Indofab Degritting mechanism includes
  • Collecting Mechanism (tank scraper mechanism)
  • Cleaning Mechanism (rake classifier / screw classifier) & Organic Return Mechanism. (only used in STP/Biological ETP systems)


  • De-gritting systems are used to remove the inorganic particles to prevent damage to the equipments in later stage like pumps, and to prevent their accumulation in sludge digesters.
  • Most common application is in
    • Sewage Treatment Plants STP
    • Water Treatment Plants WTP
    • Milk of Lime Plants MOL


  • Heavy Steel Constructions.
  • Full Bridge Mounted Degritting with Rake Classifier.
  • Full bridge Mounted Degritting with Screw Classifier.
  • Pier Mounted Degritting Mechanisms with Rake/Screw Classifier.
  • Cleaning Mechansim integrated with Dual Collecting Mechanisms for heavy Loads.
  • Large Size Degritting Mechanism are with three or more rake Arms and two or more Cleaning Mechanisms. (rake or screw)
  • Extra Deep Degritting Collecting Mechanisms are provided with Grit Pump for pumping the Grit to Cleaning mechanism.
  • Above all combination of Collecting & Cleaning mechanisms can be coupled with appropriate rating Organic Return Mechanism.
  • Epoxy Painted Degritting Systems.
  • Stainless Steel SS304/316 Degritting systems.
  • Duplex Steel Degritting Mechanisms.
  • Specially lined Degritting Mechanisms.
  • RCC Bridge Mounted Collecting Mechanism for Degritting systems.
  • RCC Trough or Metallic Trough Cleaning Mechanism for Degritting Systems.
  • Cyconic Desification using Cyclones and later a standard Degritting Mechanism is most popular in ETP and WTP with High Gravel/Sand Content.