AC Controller :
Air conditioning systems are vitally needed by Cell sites, offices etc. The heart of an Air conditioner is its compressor hence some protection means must be provided to the compressor to protect it from abnormal conditions such as Over voltage, Under voltage, Over Loading, etc. The efficiency of an Air conditioner depends on its Compressor. The compressor cause problems due unhealthy conditions such as Over voltage, Under voltage etc. & frequent start/stop without prior time delay for pressure equalization. To take care of A/C from such electrical hazards ‘PROTON ELECTRONICS’ has developed a new innovative product “AC GUARD.” AC GUARD is a Microprocessor based system that controls operation A/C & also protect it from electrical hazards. It also indicate respective faults by messages & LED on front panel. All the set points such as Voltage, Current, Temperature are site selectable & user can easily set them by using keys provided on the front panel.
In normal working conditions when power is turned ON, after Power On Delay (1minute) AC will be turned ON. Display will show supply voltage, current taken by
A/C & room temperature. A/C indication will be ON indicating that A/C is running. In this condition system makes ON/OFF of A/C depending on the set point of
temperature during On Time set & remain OFF for the duration of Off Time set . Hysterisis for room temperature is settable. This is normal running condition of the
system. If fault occurs to one A/C then it is turned OFF . To view/change set points of over voltage, under voltage, over load, under load, temperature, hysterisis of temperature, press FUN key.
When FUN key is pressed, the parameter message is displayed & after that its setting is displayed.
t-C : Indicates temperature set point.
HyS : Indicates Hysterisis of temperature.
UV: Indicates Under Voltage set point.
OV: Indicates Over Voltage set point.
uL : Indicates Under load set point.
OL : Indicates Over load set point.
On- : Indicates ON Time set point.
OFF : Indicates OFF Time set point.
User can change the set point using arrow keys. Press FUN key to save the settings or leave keys for 5 sec. Automatically the set point is saved.