• +91 230 2468 731
  • info@rocket-comet.com

Our objective is to create conducive work climate which will result in reducing the attrition rate among our staff and workers. To encourage our workforce to put in longer tenure we implemented the following measures.

  • Effective from 1978 onwards all our agreements with the workers union were made productivity linked. Conscious efforts were made to mitigate the fiscal burden arising out of increase in wage costs. We decidedly relied on improved productivity and desisted the temptation of resorting to the shortcut methodology of passing it on to our end customers by seeking price rise. All the ensuing eleven agreements were negotiated and finalized by adhering to this principal.
  • We achieved tangible results in our production output. The visible result can be seen by simple comparison. In the year 1978, one fitter was assembling one engine in shift that now stands increased to 14 engines per worker/shirt.
  • To achieve the desired end results we have made significant investments aimed at improving the production systems and processes to facilitate higher productivity. By implementing scientific work and movement methods we were able to save 2 man hours per worker /per shift. It has been gifted to the work force by way of incentive.
  • To earn loyalty and create genuine sense of belonging we instituted and started a new tradition of celebrating Founders′ Day On August 5th from the year 1980 onwards. On this day, all our workers, staff, and their immediate family including children, are felicitated.
  • To avoid financial hardships, Workers Cooperative Society was started in 1984. Right from Managing Director everybody contributes 5% of the monthly income.
  • To meet unforeseen financial difficulties such as illness, flood, earth quake or any other natural calamity, The Workers Welfare Fund was started in 1995. Their emergency financial needs are met on very simple interest rate of 2% per annum.
  • Since last year we have started Canteen which provides facility of breakfast and lunch at heavily subsidized rates. With the starting of this facility the family members are relieved from the burden of preparing lunch boxes very early in the morning and everybody enjoys freshly prepared, nutritionally balanced hot meals.
  • On the eve of Golden Jubilee which was celebrated on 5th August 2010 on the basis of the duration of their services, everyone was given Fixed Deposit receipts starting from Rs. 10,000/- to 40,000/- which will be returned after a period of four years. The rate of interest payable was 21% p.a. to be disbursed every year. On completion of four years principle amount between Rs. 10,000/- to 40,000/- is to be released.
We annually reward rank performing children and encourage them in pursuing their academic careers. We have an ongoing Internship Program wherein the student of ITI and similar institutes are offered practical training in the fields of several engineering disciplines such as Production Engineering, Tool Room, R&D, and also developing skills in professions like welding, lathe operation, etc.