Once the component comes out of the bowl feeder, it needs to be taken to the next station, for this either a gravity chute or a linear track has to be used.
Gravity Chutes
Components can move with gravity if the correct inclination is provided. Elscint can help you decide on the correct inclination for your component.
Linear Chute
In case you require the chute to be horizontal for feeding to the next operation, then a linear chute is required. A linear chute is mounted on a linear vibrator and can be anywhere from 300 mm to 1500 mm in length or even more.
Elscint offers Silo type Hoppers for providing higher capacities. Usually, the number of components which can be loaded in a Vibratory Bowl Feeder is constrained by the Weight and the Volume of the components. In order to increase the loading capacity, usually Auxiliary Hoppers are provided. The disadvantage of Auxiliary Hoppers is the extra space which they occupy and plus the extra cost and electrical consumption and wiring required for the same. As against this, Silos offer the advantage of increased loading capacity and they do not require any Electrical Supply. The increase in height is also nominal. The overall Table size also does not increase to that extent. Though the Silo has a lot of advantages, the only disadvantage is that it can only be used for certain components like Needles, Rollers etc. However, it cannot be used for components like screws, hooks etc.