We help customers improve productivity in many areas including:
In order to ensure that the above goals are met, Roll Sciences utilizes a variety tools to help our customers succeed including:
Our engineers and manufacturing professionals have many decades of experience in operating converting and laminating equipment. Our team includes a nationally renowned authority in coating and laminating. This allows us to assist you in discovering the proper geometry required for your process roller. We also provide equipment modification design assistance in order to help you get accurate and repeatable product changeovers.
We provide customers with a picture of the current condition of their roller as we receive it, with an accuracy of 0.00005." Such a highly accurate picture of their roller aids in solving their problems by providing additional information about their current situation.
Process conditions are evaluated and roller covers (rubber, urethane, chrome, nylon, etc.) are selected to maximize product quality and life.
All cover types are ground and held to exacting tolerances. ii. All cover types are finished to specified finishes.
After a correct geometry has been specified, the grind is verified to an accuracy of 0.00005" using the TruShape2™ measurement system. We are able to achieve these tolerances on a consistent basis through our development and application of Standard Operating Procedures and on-going training and education of the professionals on our team. For our customers, these verified accurate grinds speed up changeovers on their line.
The Roll Sciences team understands that the rollers in your lines are the most delicate component in your process. Because of that understanding, we take pride in the way that we handle your roller from the time we receive it to the time it leaves our facility. As the demands of your market translate to increasing challenges in your production facility, Roll Sciences help you optimize your existing equipment and improve your bottom line.
For more information or to discuss your situation further, please contact us.