Our Services

Turnkey Projects

  • Oil Seed Processing Machineries
  • Oil Mill / Crushing Plants, Expellors
  • Continuous Solvent Extraction Plants
  • Continuous / Batch Vegetable / Cooking Oil Refineries Plants
  • Physical Refineries (De-Acidification) Plants
  • Dry Fractionation Plants
  • Winterization Plants
  • Hydrogenation & Vanaspati Plants
  • Lecithin Plants
  • Bakery Shortening & Margarine Plants
  • Fat Distillation Plants
  • Soap Stock Splitting / Acid Oil Plants
  • Effluent Water Treatment Plants
  • Pilot Projects
  • Laundry, Toilet Soap Plant & Detergent Powder Plants
  • Cattle, Poultry Feed Plants
  • Steric Acid Plants

Speciality Equipments

  • Pressure Leaf Filters
  • Knife Mixer
  • Boilers
  • Reactors
  • Plate & Frame Filters
  • Disk Mixer
  • Polishing Filters
  • Material Conveying Systems (screw conveyor, bucket elevator, belt conveyor etc.)
  • Heat Exchangers
  • All types of control valves


  • Piping
  • All Equipments & Vessels related to above Projects
  • Structure
  • All kind of fabrication jobs
  • Silos
  • Storage Tanks

Equipment Supply

  • Centrifugal Separators (Alfa-Laval, Penwalt, Westafalia)
  • Motors (complete range) & Complete Spares
  • Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Mechanical Seal & Complete Spares
  • Pumps (complete range) & Complete Spares
  • All types of Bellows & Covers
  • Gear Box (complete range) & Complete Spares
  • Control Valves


  • Complete Spares for Centrifugal Separators
  • Complete Spares for Pumps (complete range)
  • Complete Spares for Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Complete Spares for Gear Box (complete range)
  • Complete Spares for Pressure Leaf filters
  • Complete Spares for Motors (complete range)
  • Complete Spares for Knife Mixer
  • Complete Spares for Mechanical Seal
  • Complete Spares for Disk Mixer

Modernization & Consultancy

  • New and Existing systems.
  • Erection & Commissioning
  • Incorporation of best of batch and continuous process.
  • Piping, Electrical & Instrumentation.
  • Feasibility Study.
  • Basic Civil Construction.
  • Project Planning.
  • Utility Control