Soap Stock Splitting / Acid Oil Plants

Spectec has designed a unique process for the soapstock, which is coming from the refinery after the chemical process. This process is 100% ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY. So adopted very rapidly in the processing industry. Below flow dig. Shows the general arrangement of the process.
SPECTEC offers new generation, completely environmental friendly Soap Stock Splitting/Acid Oil Plants. This latest designed plants are completely closed & does not pass any acid fumes to the atmosphere. The final output will be Acid Oil with good color which is the direct raw materials for soap plants.

Process Description
Soap stock from process house is accumulated in a homo-gentian tank, which is equipped with the open steam heating arrangements. In this soap stock is heated with the open steam, so as to evaporate moisture as far as possible in terms of minimizing acid consumption for splitting.
This soap stock is pumped through the horizontal screw pump to the Acid Reactors for splitting, Reactors are PP FRP constructed fully closed vessels, equipped with copper steam heating cum agitation coils, light & sight glasses, inspection manhole etc. splitting takes place in semi-continuous manner. Reactors are used in cycles for splitting operation. After getting appropriate charge in selected reactor, the soap stock is getting boiled in terms of drying with steam heating cum agitation coils. After removing maximum moisture pre-calculated amount of acid ( H2S04) will be added slowly, splitting is done under continuous observations so as to maintain appropriate acid value of final product also for avoiding excess acid consumption.
Vapors from reactors are carried out continuously to the Acid Fume Scrubber with help of Blower, Scrubber is PP FRB constructed fully closed vessel equipped with spray nozzles, pall rings etc. contaminated water is circulated continuously for condensatting acid fumes.
After completion of splitting operation, settling process starts for 3-4 hour. After that water is getting drained to the Fat Trap Tank and clear acid oil is pumped to the storage tank with PP pump. Fat Trap Tank is PP FRP constructed rectangular tank, specially designed with multi-compartments & syfening system to collect all the droplets of acid oil.