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UV Laser Marking Machine

The UV Laser Marking with its wavelength 355nm is suitable for marking plastics (ABS, PA) due to a high repetition rate. The UV laser wavelength is suitable and versatile in marking a wide range of materials and is perfect for "cold marking" applications where heat zones are not allowed. UV Laser mark at very high speeds which are indispensable for short cycle times in industrial manufacturing environments. With high peak powers they are most suitable for fine marking and structuring without thermal impact on glass applications and/or ceramics. The UV laser marking will mark plastics and silicon materials without the need of additives and will also mark glass with drastically reduced risk of micro fracture. The excellent beam quality also affords this laser the ability to be utilized in micro marking applications such as electronics, circuit boards and microchips in addition to solar panels and precise medical marking applications. They also provide an excellent quality for classical laser marking applications and micro material processing.

  • Small beam diameter and fine marking line
  • Good quality and high laser beam stability
  • Complete machine stability, simple and easy operation
  • Narrow pulse width, small heat affected zone, workpiece without damage
  • Suitable for sensitive material as cold light source
  • Laser directly acting on molecular chain with maximum extend to avoid thermal effect

It works stably, applied in superbly precise marking, such as: LCD, wafer, chip ceramic, sapphire, precise surface marking of other materials,3C electronics, Lamps, food package, wire rod ,leather, ceramic, PCV, glass, Phone case, medicine bottle, fine marking on glass substrate, electric appliance marking and so on.

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