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The most advanced Model Rotary Index Marking Machine

SIL provide customized automation and rotary indexing fiber marking machine for industries where mass & high production rate is required without compromising marking quality. SIL rotary stages are designed with many different size apertures, table diameters, and mounting options to provide the ideal customized solution for your industrial automation application. SIL rotary indexing fiber marking machine can mark on moving parts. SIL rotary indexers are used to mark precisely on small or big parts at a very high speed, thus economizing the whole process & giving a faster cycle time. Loading & unloading of parts can be done simultaneously and continuously. The complete process is made automatic thus minimizing the dependency on human. SIL built machine with automatic rotation having fast and easy parts positioning. The machine has minimal maintenance & low operating cost. The machine is engineered & manufactured in india. Machine is designed having key factor of ergonomics & safety as priority. The machine is provided with customized human-machine interface


SIL rotary indexer finds application in batch coding, date coding, printing and packaging industries, soaps, personal use products, automobile industry.


Supply voltage 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power level 20 W/ 30 W/ 60 W
Wavelength 1064 nm
Marking Speed ≥ 10000 mm/sec
frequency 20 KHz to 200 KHz
Cooling type Air cooled

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