• 020-67323304
  • sales@acmeprocess.net | nitin@acmeprocess.net

Agitated Thin Film Dryer

Agitated Thin Film Dryers (ATFD) are widely used to evaporate water or solvent to get the concentrated solutions or dry powder products in chemical, pharmaceuticals and food industries. It is one of the major equipment used for continuous processing of concentrated solution for drying.

ATFD assembly consists of a cylindrical, vertical body with heating jacketed shell and rotor assembly having closely fit hinged blades that rotate inside the shell. These hinged blades distribute the wet feed in the form of thin film over the heated shell wall. As the heat transfer from jacket to main shell under smooth agitation, water/solvent evaporates and liquid converts to slurry, to cake and to dry powder or flakes and collected at the bottom receiver. The system is operated under vacuum for temperature sensitive products and atmospheric conditions for normal drying.




  • Compact design
  • Degradation of heat-sensitive product is eliminated due to short residence time
  • Drying under vacuum condition with indirect heating is very effective for light and combustible or oxygen-sensitive products
  • Vacuum drying gives complete solvent recovery as compared to direct (air) contact dryer
  • Less maintenance increases efficiency of production
  • Low operating cost compared to other dryers due to vacuum operation which increases thermal efficiency up to 85%
  • Operating temperature and pressure flexibility
  • Uniform consistency of powdered product eliminates need of pulveriser for grinding in downstream step
  • Easy to operate
  • Turn-down ratio flexibility


  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Textiles
  • Agrochemicals
  • Dyes & Pigments
  • Chemical & Petrochemical
  • Sugar Industries & Distilleries
  • Effluent Treatment Plant


  • Recovery of solvents such as DMF, DMSO & Glycerin from salt
  • Drying of bulk drugs, intermediates, and recovery of important solvents from the feed
  • Drying of dyes, pigments to get the powdered product
  • Drying of effluent stream to get zero discharge
  • Drying of chemical and petro-chemical products to recover the powder or cakes