• 020-67323304
  • sales@acmeprocess.net | nitin@acmeprocess.net

Skid Mounted Systems



A SKID refers to a framework built for an entire process, or chain of processes. It's like a family of process equipment and accessories are modularly built on this framework, making it a plug-and-play type of system.



Based on the process requirement various process equipment such as heat exchangers, pumps and valves, piping, electrical accessories and cables, insulation, flow meters and controls, tanks, etc. are built and mounted on this modular framework. The entire set-up and the structure are called as Skid Mounted Systems.

ACME has been trusted by several global companies for providing high quality skid mounted systems. The entire system is designed, built and quality assured at our manufacturing plant, and safely transported to the client's installation site. The design is based on the site survey conducted by our engineers. Therefore, the framework perfectly fits into the space provided by the client for the unit.


  • Since the design, manufacturing, testing happens at our site, there is total quality control and the size of the entire unit is compact which eases transportation
  • The skid mounted system also optimizes the onsite installation work, as the entire system works on a plug-and-play model
  • Since the system is built together, there is significant reduction of completion time
  • There is single point of contact for project execution, which also saves cost, and the effort to communicate, schedule, negotiate contract terms with multiple vendors
  • Since the entire process is considered at the outset, the systems have a compact design
  • Better control over design, MOCs, quality and effectiveness of the system