• 020-67323304
  • sales@acmeprocess.net | nitin@acmeprocess.net

Twin Shaft Dispersers

Dispersion is a process of breaking lumps of powdery material, rapidly, while uniformly distributing and wetting them in a liquid. Based on rotor-stator principle, dispersers are agitators comprising of motor (working at different rotation speeds), shaft, and mixing or shearing tool based on the nature of dispersion process.




Dispersers work on the energy transfer principle. A disc-type blade is mounted at the bottom end of the shaft and rotated at a relatively higher tip speed. Due to this the solids and liquids are sucked into the rotating blade, and a distinct doughnut shaped whirlpool is created between the top of the shaft and the top of the blade. A similar whirlpool is created between the bottom of the disc and the bottom of the vessel. These whirlpools are referred to as vortices, though in industry only the upper vortex is referred to.

This vortex instantly triggers energy transfer from the disc to the mixture, and creates tremendous and instantaneous velocity changes in the mixture thereby creating a shear force or shear. Dispersers don't grind but they help in breaking down of solid agglomerates as found in paints, inks, chemicals, pigment, etc. during the mixing and also dispersing the reduced sized particles evenly in the base liquid.

A perfect operating speed ranging from 10 to 2880 revolutions per minute (RPM) for disperser shaft and lower speed range for mixer shaft, to suit your process requirement, are achieved by combining of superior quality motor, VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) and other electro-mechanical arrangements.


  • Longevity
  • Robust construction
  • Easy installation
  • Safe operations
  • Corrosion & abrasion resistant surface finish
  • High durability and reliability
  • Available in various specifications & capacity
  • Manufactured using best materials grades
  • High levels of efficiency
  • Trouble-free performance


  • Paint Industry
  • Dyes & pigments Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Food & beverage Industry
  • Ink Industry
  • Construction Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Resin Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Cosmetic Industry