• 020-67323304
  • sales@acmeprocess.net | nitin@acmeprocess.net

Roto Cone Vacuum Dryer (RCVD)

In industrial process systems, a variety of solid cakes or products are derived, after the filtration process, which need to be dried thoroughly. Further, some of these solids are amorphous and crystalline that have a tendency to degrade or oxidize at higher temperatures, which may be toxic in nature.

ACME Roto Cone Vacuum Dryer (RCVD) are a perfect solution to overcome these issues. These RCVDs are specially designed to dry products that are temperature sensitive, are susceptible to oxidation, volatile, and those that may be toxic in nature. ACME RCVDs are great substitutes to other types of dryers that cause air-contamination. ACME provides turnkey solutions covering design to fabrication, installation and commissioning of the entire RCVD plant.



ACME RCVD consists of jacketed double conical chambers, mounted on robust pedestal, which rotates at very low RPM ranging from 5-10 RPM, as required by the process. For uniform drying of product, heat transfer fluids such as hot water or steam is circulated around the conical jacket. This completely jacketed system provides optimum dryer efficiency..

The special mechanical seals ensuring a perfect vacuum in the system are provided with the lump breaker shafts. Specially designed micro filters are installed in the dryer to prevent solids from escaping the system. The product is discharged through a butterfly valve mounted at the outlet nozzle, which can be automated or operated manually.

The material which is to be dried is charged as a batch. As the dryer rotates the wet material goes through a heating process by conduction and agitation, with gentle tumbling action, and while maintaining vacuum inside the drying chamber to achieve rapid drying. The vacuum inside the chamber decreases the vapour pressure of the solvent thereby reducing the product solvent boiling point. The solvent evaporates quicker and enhances the rate of drying. The solvent vapour is then pumped out through vacuum exhaust pipe.

A well designed sealing system ensures maintenance of required vacuum inside the shell and also ensures proper circulation of heat transfer fluid in the jacket. The lump breaker within the dryer breaks large product lumps to powder form. The rotary action of dryer along with mechanical action of lump breakers reduce the drying time, deliver lump-free product and ensure extremely low moisture levels in the product.



  • CGMP compliance equipment design and construction
  • Short drying time
  • Eliminates re-drying of lumps
  • Gives uniform size and homogeneous dried product
  • Eliminates product handling and product exposure which ensures maximum operator & environmental safety
  • Amorphous and Crystalline products which could form lumps can be processed to deliver desired product
  • Assures uniform material contact with the heated surface of the dryer
  • Dried product contains very low final moisture content
  • Ease of internal cleaning due to conical shape of dryer body which further eliminates the chances of product contamination
  • Conical structure of the dryer ensures complete discharge of dried product
  • High vacuum facilitates highly efficient low-temperature drying operation with integrated heating system
  • Minimum attrition of product
  • Maximum solvent recovery
  • Eliminates degradation of product due to over exposure, more temperature and time
  • Dust free operation


ACME also supplies all the necessary units required for the entire dryer plant suitable for the given batch size

  • Suitable variable speed drive for controlling the rotation of the dryer
  • Lump breakers
  • Suitable condenser and receiver for solvent recovery
  • Advanced PLC control with HMI touch screen to ensure reproducibility of various batches
  • Hot water system
  • High vacuum pump unit with FLP motor
  • Safety and instrumentation controls consisting of temperature controls, process controls, overload protection, emergency stop, load cells and vacuum relief valves
  • Staircase & gantry for the operator
  • Pulse jet type dust filter to be installed inside the shell
  • FLP motors and electricals
  • RCVDs are available in SS 304, 316 & 316L grades. ACME can provide RCVDs in wide range of MOCs also including Alloy 20, Alloy 22 and Alloy C276 (Hastelloy C)


  • API
  • Foodstuff
  • Chemicals (Inorganic, Organic, Intermediates)
  • Handling temperature-sensitive materials
  • Agrochemicals
  • Dyestuff