Waste Quality Analysis
- Teledyne’s ORP electrode and sensor have a low physical profile (3/4” dia) that allows for greater ease of insertion into potentially high flow rate/pressure pipelines. Selectable sensor housing lengths allow for reaching deep aeration basins or vats.
- The ORP electrode (cartridge) is replaceable (as a component of the sensor) at a much lower life cycle cost than that of the competition. The sensor has a preamp (signal conditioner) integral to the sensor that provides a cleaner signal for transmission over longer cable lengths.
- Attempting to measure ORP with a pH electrode will yield an unacceptable offset in mV. An oxidizing agent such as quinhydrone (cyclohexadiene) must be added to the buffer to develop a measurement standard. Being acidic, the quinhydrone must be used @ 7pH or less (4pH). This, then, will approximate a correct mV reading of 59.1 per decade.